Monday, July 25, 2011


So, according to the Mayan calendar, today was supposed to be the most unlucky day of the year. The Mayans followed a lunar calendar, but they recognized that this did not match with the solar year, so the five extra days that don't match up are called Wayeb and they fall from July 21-25. These are unlucky days of limbo when Xibalba (hell) is allowed to unleash its worst demons who wreak havoc everywhere. The last day of Wayeb (today) is especially unlucky since the demons have to get the last of their evil out before being reigned back in the next day. Well, if today was the least lucky day of the year then that is incredibly good news, because I thought it was pretty good, so the rest of the year should be spectacular!

The symbol for Wayeb on the Mayan Calendar

Although it was a good day, it was another one of those boring ones where I did a lot on my laptop again. I worked a lot more on the Rainforest Haven website, which is coming along amazingly and also did further research and paperwork for the Succotz revenue projects. Tomorrow should be a really exciting day for that one, as about half of the team is coming to Succotz with me to tract out the businesses there and start creating our in-depth business profile of the village. I'm really looking forward to beginning the real work of this project! :)

Monday is also one of the days for our computer classes, and I'm happy to report that the advertising we did last week worked and we had four eager learners at our class today! Two of them had never used a computer in their lives! It was kind of weird but cool teaching things like what a monitor was versus a computer and how to turn each of them on. I taught how to use a mouse and what programs and files are and Maren started the class on typing lessons. We are excited to see them all again on Wednesday. We've planned a great 4-week course to introduce the students to basic computer knowledge, typing skills, Microsoft Office essentials, and the internet. It was exciting to see how much progress they made in just an hour today!

Our computer students use "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" 

Overall, it was another fulfilling productive day in Belize, even if this post is rather boring! I hope you all survived the days of Wayeb in relative safety and have a happy Mayan New Year tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. You're the 3rd in our family to teach computer/program classes. Your dad taught very similar classes in Rhinelander, Ty is teaching Microsoft Office programs and now you. Kind of cool!
    I'm so glad all is going well. I suppose since we are all still here, we couldn't have had too bad a luck. ;)
